+49 5423 9435-0

Full-range supplier with the highest quality standards

No matter what product, no matter what quality and no matter what calibre. At JÜRGING customers have a competent contact person and receive sewn and laminated casings, Hog middles from pork, mddles from beef and casings from sheep - all in tested quality and very important: just-in-time.

In contrast to trading companies, JÜRGING still has its own production facilities. This is where the products are sorted, salted, checked and packed. With competent employees who know what is important when customers in the food industry require the highest quality.

With its own production department, the expertise and knowledge gained from almost 100 years of natural casings trading and production and the constant willingness to adapt to the market and consumers, JÜRGING is the right partner for the sausage industry and retailers - both internationally and locally.